Omg New Kitty Girls Coming to Final Fantasy 14!!!

Omg New Kitty Girls Coming to Final Fantasy 14!!!

During some big fancy event thingy in Tokyo for Final Fantasy 14, they just revealed that girl cat people are finally gonna be playable! Squeee!

So like, in the next expansion called Dawntrail, you’ll be able to make a female Hrothgar character! They’re like the big lion dudes that are already in the game, but these are cute kitties!! Kawaii neko girls!

They won’t be added until Dawntrail launches, but we’ll meet one in the next patch that’s coming out super soon on January 16th. She’s supposed to be the daughter of some important lion king dude, idk. But she asks us players for help with something!

Omg she looks so badass in the trailer they showed! Very muscle, such warrior kitty, wow! But still feminine and graceful, not beefcakes like the boy cats lol.

They said that girl Hrothgars naturally make great leaders even though there aren’t many of them. And compared to guy Hrothgars, the ladies don’t have hunchbacks which is great for armor! No weird clipping issues yay!

I’m soooo excited to finally be able to play as a catgirl in FF14! We haven’t gotten a new race in forever it feels like! Vieras were cool but I’m personally more into kitties than bunnies. The only sad thing is cat people still can’t wear lots of hats but the director guy said they’re working on it.

Overall people seemed really happy about the news based on crowd reactions and forum posts. My twitter feed has blown up with tons of fan art already lol! Furries are having a field day haha.

But anyways, this was definitely the highlight of the Tokyo event thing for me. Female Hrothgar hype! Let the feline fanart commence! What do you guys think – will you make a fierce lion queen or a cute neko catgirl when Dawntrail releases?

Sooooo Long Wait for New Race in FFXIV Over!

At the recent 2024 Tokyo Fan Festival for Final Fantasy 14 Online, the director Mr. Yoshida revealed some super exciting news for all us players. After years and years and years of waiting, we are finally getting a new playable race! And not just any race – it’s the female versions of the big muscular cat dudes called Hrothgars!

I don’t know about you guys, but I have been dying for some more customization options and unique models to choose from. We’ve all been stuck with the same old races for awhile now. But that’s about to change soon!

In the upcoming Dawntrail expansion (which still doesn’t have a release date but Yoshida said summer 2024 maybe), a new continent opens up that is the homeland of the Hrothgar lions. That’s where their ladies have been hiding!

And we’ll actually meet one of them before the xpac even launches. There’s a new patch called 6.55 coming on January 16th that will introduce the daughter of the Hrothgar king. Something about choosing a successor? Should be cool!

What Do The Girl Lions Look Like in FFXIV?

Obviously since it’s Final Fantasy, the female Hrothgars had to look very sleek and elegant! No rugged manes or bulky builds for these kitties.

The devs said they are built for agility and grace rather than raw strength. And they stand up straight without the male’s hunchback. So their armor won’t clip through their shoulders awkwardly thank goodness!

Their faces are more catlike and feminine. But they still have those glorious fluffy ears I wanna touch! squeals internally I hope their emotes include cat baths and nuzzles!

Even though lions are usually more golden, it looks like we’ll have access to a range of fur colors. Some were white or even black! And of course you can customize face shapes and hairstyles and all that jazz.

So in summary – no more bad posture, sexy sleek bodies, cute kitty faces. Sign me up!

Headgear Restrictions Still An Issue for Hrothgars

Now, this is a bit of a bummer. Those animalistic features that make the new race so unique also cause some problems. Mainly, not being able to see lots of headgear pieces.

This has always been an issue with both male Hrothgars and female Viera in FF14. Their unusual ears and manes get in the way of wearing hats, helmets, goggles and so on.

Yoshida said the dev team is looking into ways to improve this. But who knows if or when they’ll figure something out.

Hopefully they can do something, because the lack of headgear options does limit glamour creativity. And what feline doesn’t look cuter in a pair of cat ears?! Come on SE!

Overall, players seemed really psyched for more fantastical furry race options. The internet exploded with fan art and memes about cat girls. Gotta love the FF14 community!

What kind of Hrothgar lady will you make when the Dawntrail expansion finally drops? A badass warrior or a cute neko girl?

The wait is almost over fellow adventurers! May we all enjoy creating fancy new cat people for our adventures in the new world of Final Fantasy 14! nyan nyan nyan

Final Words on Female Hrothgars in FFXIV

Phew, that ended up being a lot longer than I meant it to be! But I’m just so hype about finally being able to play as a badass yet beautiful lion lady in Final Fantasy 14!

It’s crazy that it took them this many years to add another race/gender combo. But better late than never I guess. And the Hrothgar females seem well worth waiting for!

Between their sleek and muscular build, cute catlike faces, and fluffy tails…I know I’ll be spending way too long in the character creator customizing my perfect kitty cat warrior lol.

What do you think? Are you as pumped as I am to step into the shoes (or paws?) of these fierce lionesses? Let me know if you have any other thoughts or questions down below!

And make sure to share any glam ideas or suggestions you have for the new ladies of Final Fantasy 14. We gotta make sure they get a warm welcome from the community!

Alright, time to go spam refresh on the Dawntrail trailer a few hundred more times. Toodles! prances away giggling excitedly

Sophia Rodriguez
Sophia Rodriguez

Hey, tech wizards! I’m Sophia, aka TechSorceress. Navigating the digital enchantment of tech for 3 years, I blend coding finesse with gaming passion. Let’s embark on a magical journey through the realms where code meets gameplay.

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